Comments on "DOE Ships Waste to WIPP Without State Permit"

Posted by John Tauxe on April 02, 1999 at 12:59:30:

First, I'd like to thank the CCNS and its webmaster for providing this forum in which to discuss WIPP topics. I hope we can learn from each other.

I have some comments I would like to make about your latest missive:

WIPP, the proposed underground repository for weapons-generated nuclear waste east of Carlsbad, has long been opposed by nuclear safety activists and scientists, who cite structural problems with the facility and the numerous safety questions which remain unanswered.

Actually, the National Academy of Science has long endorsed the use of WIPP as a repository.

The WIPP truck traveled through the southwest side of Santa Fe around 8:30 p.m. where over 100 protestors stood with signs, some of which read "WIPP equals new waste", "WIPP equals new bombs".

WIPP does not equal new waste or new bombs. The new waste and bombs will (unfortunately) be created with or without WIPP.

Among the protestors against the first shipment was Don Hancock, with Southwest Information Resource Center, who stated, "WIPP is a hazardous waste facility, and a hazardous waste facility cannot operate without a permit. The DOE is breaking the law."

Don Hancock is simply wrong, here. None of the waste in the current shipments is classified as hazardous, and he knows it. At this delicate time, DOE is being very careful not to break any laws, you can be sure. It is unfortunate when a spokesperson for a self-proclaimed "Information Resource Center" deliberately distributes mis-information. It tends to damage the credibility of the entire organization.

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