Along those lines

Posted by Tim Wheeler on May 03, 1999 at 13:25:17:

In Reply to: Comments on "DOE Ships Waste to WIPP Without State Permit" posted by John Tauxe on April 02, 1999 at 12:59:30:

On the CCNS web page it is stated that:

"WIPP has yet to open, held up by violations of state and federal environmental laws."

While I understand that the first part of this statement is simply outdated, I do not understand the second part, the allegations of legal violations of environmental laws by, I assume, the DOE with regard to the WIPP. I have spoken with Ruth Weiner, former staff member of the New Mexico Environmental Evaluation Group, and she has informed me that DOE has never been found guilty of any illegal violations of Federal or State environmental laws. She informed me that the BLM was found to be in violation of the Federal Land Management Planning Act when it withdrew land for WIPP, but this was not a violation of an environmental law, nor was it a violation of a law on the part of DOE. Dr. Weiner further informed me that the land withdrawal was legalized by an act of Congress.
She also informed me that the DOE was sued over alleged violations of the hazardous Waste amendments to RCRA, but that a Federal court ruled that the WIPP was grand fathered against those amendments.

So, I would be interested to know specifically what are the specific state and federal environmental laws that the CCNS claims have been violate with regard to WIPP. I emailed the CCNS directly with this question well over a week ago, but I have received no response.

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