Rocky Flats vs WIPP

Posted by John Tauxe on May 20, 1999 at 09:03:28:

In Reply to: Along those lines posted by Tim Wheeler on May 03, 1999 at 13:25:17:

Joan -

Rocky Flats is definitely a travesty -- a shining example of poor waste management leading to widespread contamination of populated places. Of course there is no way their monolith could last 1000 years -- that is ludicrous. More power to you for opposing that lame solution.

But WIPP is a different animal. It is the first true deep geologic repository the US has constructed, and will not behave like the Rocky Flats monolith, and will not end up spreading plutonium over the countryside. It is stable -- the Salado Salt dates from the Permian, for goodness sake. That's 500,000,000 years of stability. What more could you ask for?

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