Monolith's?/Deep Repository?

Posted by Joan Seeman on May 23, 1999 at 10:13:03:

In Reply to: Rocky Flats vs WIPP posted by John Tauxe on May 20, 1999 at 09:03:28:

The monolith is NOT at Rocky Flats....
It is in the middle of Denver........

What geologic repository has not been breached in this country.......
Name me one that has not leaked?
This is the research that I do.
Can you state with total confidence that this site will contain the waste?
Why are we not treating the waste instead of the "out of site out of mind" approach?
Is this Waste Not Treatable?
Why is there an exemption from the RCRA Land Disposal Restrictions for Mixed Waste
at WIPP? Why do you think this was included in the REGS? and's OK for WIPP?
Don't you question this position?

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